Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun with family

My parents came up this past weekend to visit, and we had such a great time! Carolina won on Saturday afternoon, and we did an early dinner out to celebrate David's birthday. Little Joshua was quite the popular fellow at the restaurant!

One of Joshua's favorite places to sit is in the crook of Grandpa's arm. He gets very calm and relaxed...we call him "Mr. Serious" at times like that because he almost gets in a zone where it seems that all is right in his little world.
And, of course, Grandma has to get her sugar! My mom has decided that 3 weeks at a time is as long as she can go without seeing Joshua, so they either come up here or we go down to visit them. No complaints here!
Joshua has a new game he likes to play with Grandma: she holds him in a cradle position and he turns his head toward her and buries his face into her. Then she snuggles him up really close and kisses him really loudly, which makes him giggle. Then she pulls him away from her, and he starts the cycle all over again. Joshua loved this, and Grandma definitely did too!

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