Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My good little eater

Well, so far, this little guy likes his veggies! He's been enjoying rice cereal in the evenings for the past couple of months, and once we got the okay from his doctor at his 6 month appointment, we added baby food to the menu. We've been doing some rice cereal and baby food in the morning, more baby food at lunch time, and rice cereal and baby food in the evenings. Along with his milk, he's taking in tons of food!

So far we've tried (and liked):

Sweet Potatoes

Green Beans
(he likes to play with the spoon after I've finished feeding him)

and Carrots.

Soon we'll be trying green peas, squash, bananas, applesauce, peaches, and pears. Hopefully they'll go over as well as the others have so far. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he'll continue to like veggies and fruit this much as he gets older...I've already told David that he's got to be a good example for Joshua :)

1 comment:

Nikki Nichols said...

Let us know how he does with the fruit. Beckett never cared for it. Just recently he will eat sliced and diced up fresh banannas but that is all I can get out of him fruit wise :(

on a good note, he will eat any and all vegetables!