Monday, January 12, 2009

New friends and new games

The above picture is thanks to Sarah, as I realized 10 minutes after we left the house that I forgot my camera. Good grief!

David, Joshua, and I met Devin, Sarah, and Delainey at the Olive Garden for dinner on Saturday. The babies definitely got lots of attention from other diners and the waitstaff. This picture pretty much shows the dynamic between Joshua and Delainey. She's 2 1/2 months older than Joshua, and very interested in other babies. She kept trying to reach out and touch him--it was adorable. Joshua, on the other hand, didn't seem to even notice that she was there. We'll have to work on his inter-baby skills, as the only people he really seems to notice and care much about are his mommy and daddy and his grandparents. I'm sure over the next few months we'll see this change!

We had a great time with Sarah and Devin, and it was great to see Delainey in person. I joked that this was the second time the 2 babies had met, but just the first time "on the outside." We had dinner at the Olive Garden with Sarah and Devin last January, and they shared that they were expecting. I had just found out that morning that I was expecting too!

David and Joshua have a new favorite game. David will lay down on the carpet and put Joshua on his tummy. David then makes outrageous and loud laughing noises and Joshua thinks it is the funniest thing he's ever heard. He smiles and coos and squeals right back at David, and they just go back and forth like this. It is adorable! Here's a picture of Joshua's reaction:
We're going down to Havelock to spend the 3-day weekend with my family, and we're very much looking forward to it. My mom has heard Joshua's "talking" over the phone and can't wait to see it in person!


Sarah said...

Dinner was fun! = ) It's always good to see you guys. Have fun in Havelock!

Nikki Nichols said...

I am so jealous! He is getting so big Erin. And might I add that you look AWESOME!

Kathryn Palmer said...

Joshua is just getting cuter and cuter. He is precious. Glad he finally got to meet his friend Delainey!