Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last day of PreK for the year!

Today was Joshua's last day of preK for the school year! His class had a pizza party and invited the parents--Joshua was SO excited for me to come. He kept asking about it all week and making sure that I was actually going to stay for the party, and not just drop him off and go home! It was fun to meet some of his classmates (I was sad because his best buddy was on vacation this week!) and their families. Joshua is the only one in his class who isn't moving up to kindergarten next year (because of his birthday--he doesn't turn 5 until October 1, which is well after the cutoff), so he'll be with an all new group of students next year. We've got the next month off for summer break (he's at a year-round school on track 4), and then back to school for my big boy!

It is so exciting to see how much he's grown in these last 2 months and all the areas in which he's shown real improvement. I love hearing him talk about fun things they did at school or something a classmate said. It is still a bit unreal that he has this section of his life that I'm not part of...part of growing up that Mommy needs to get used to! I am so incredibly grateful for this sweet, smart, funny, handsome, wonderful little boy that I get to call mine!

1 comment:

Brittanie Lockard said...

Oh man, I totally hear you on that! It's great for them to grow up and have new experiences, but hard to not be a part of it all! I love watching Mason through the window before he sees that I am at the door to pick him up.
And I love hearing him talk about his day too, but communication is still limited, so I don't often know what he's talking about, ha ha. I wish he could tell me every single detail!! I'm sure you get a bit of that as well ;)