Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bulls and Horses in the same week!

Last week, when we heard that Wool E. Bull, the mascot for the Durham Bulls baseball team, would be at our local Moe's restaurant on the same night that kids eat free, we knew we had to go! The kids loved meeting him and playing a few games that he brought. Plus, who doesn't like dinner at Moe's?

Leah decided that Wool E. Bull's baseball
card was a good after-dinner snack :)

My friend Jenny has a horse that she rides
locally and since our learning unit this week
was about cowboys, she invited us to come
meet Lucky! She even brought a cowboy
hat for Joshua to wear :)

The kids loved looking around the horse farm
and they both wanted their picture taken on
this big Ford tractor--isn't she the cutest
pigtailed tractor driver ever?!

"Forget posing for a picture, Mommy--
let's take this thing for a spin!"

Joshua didn't want to give me a real smile,
so this was the best I could get. We're so glad
Jenny could help us bring our learning unit
to life last week--it was so great to see so
many of the things we've been reading
and learning about!

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